In-depth: California lawmakers consider bill that ends lifetime registration for certain sex offenders

California lawmakers are considering a controversial bill that would end lifetime registration for certain sex offenders.

Proponents of the bill say it would allow law enforcement to concentrate on high-risk offenders. Full Article


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These guys are thugs! I was appalled the mom let them in? People pay their debt to society and I truly think the cops get off by putting these guys down! Total thugs!

“The mother of 10-year-old Christopher Meyer, who was kidnapped and killed by a convicted sex offender” Of course, the media throws in this ‘drop in the ocean’ incident to fan fear, as if it is the typical.

Wow, a positive article on something like this from a local news agency is surprising. I completely expected the article to be about how bad of an idea it is and how SO’s are more likely to reoffend than Trump going on a tweeter rant.

how many of you think this tiered bill is going anywhere and that if it does what kind of bs laws are going to be passed targeting those left on the registry..I am very concerned because as many may not realize is Jessica’s law is still on the books in CA it just isn’t being enforced because they know it couldn’t stand constitutional scrutiny because it isn’t narrowly tailored enough. that law lifetime GPS monitoring and residency restrictions in it just to name a what’s going to happen if they create this tiered registry? Who knows but I want to be prepared even though I’m not a high risk offender if they were to try and slap a GPS back on my leg and I can’t stop it through the courts before it happened the innocent people of this state would have a serious problem on their hands. I will never let them strap a shackle on me again. NEVER. and I will nit go back to prison for not answering to the regime and for not complying with anything and everything they want to throw against the wall to see if it sticks. it’s time we stop with just taking what the government offers us and being complacent about our situation. We need real change and a real challenge in the courts. check out my post in the shackled for life forum and lets see how many people are willing to put their money where their mouths are and are tired of hearing it’s impossible and we have to take bably steps. brown v. board of education wasn’t a baby step, miranda v. Arizona wasn’t a baby step, roe v. wade, obergrfell v. hodges, gideon v. wainwright, and on and on. the courtroom is where real change occurs, not because of public opinion or perceptions but because words have power when it comes to the constitution and the right words in the right order can change the country…check my post in shackles for life….together we can bring real change.

This is precisely the reason to why Nancy O’Malley is not to be trusted. She is turning the tide on (and villainizing) so called “high risk” offenders. No mention of the SARATSO and Static 99 “science” behind it. Makes me wonder whether O’Malley invited the KRON crew to peddle her agenda. Surely the recent stories are aimed to legitimize the ‘high risk’ label, and legitimize the registry itself.

Further evidence that CASOMB and O’Malley ought not to be trusted! “High risk” label based on fake Static 99 ‘science.’

“’Those individuals will stay lifetime registrants and there is no possibility for them to get off,’ O’Malley said.”

She probably should’ve chosen another way to say they won’t be removed from the registry.

“[The bill is] now being pushed ahead by State Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco and is making its way through the legislature.”

Please, please, please do NOT let it be called the Wiener Law.


Registration would be extended to those who fail register under the bill. That is incentive to remain complaint. With life registration there isn’t much to lose.

What I don’t understand is why they feel they have to monitor every last former offender on the list. There is nothing in the law that mandates the compliance checks. They have the leeway to chose where to spend their resources. The idea behind Megan’s law was to provide information to the public, so they could make the choice to watch out for those on the list or not, as they saw fit, and that would solve the perceived problem of invisible offenders, making up for the fact the registrants were no longer under the supervision of the state after completed their sentences. Listing someone’s name AND putting them under police supervision seems to cross the line SCOTUS drew to divide punishment from regulation. So, apparently they want this law to allow them to continue to violate Smith v. Doe. I also do not understand why, since they have all the former offenders crimes in their databases and any SARATSO scores, the couldn’t just tier their compliance checks administratively so they are checking those with the higher offenses more often and tier one offenses not at all. Sorry this particular argument for SB 421 has some real cognitive dissonance problems.

Is this proposed law and the provisions to allow people to petition to be removed after a time certain exclusively for persons convicted California or will they apply to all registrants? If it does apply to ou of stater, what evaluation/tier assignment standards will it use? That is a problem in a few states that have otherwise semi-reasonable laws regarding removal from the registry or the website. You see the “whichever is greater” line in their statutes or they accept the classification from your home state, even if life’s the only option. I was told that by Maine, Connecticut and a couple others. Ohio has been doing end run around their own laws and court decisions using that little offense classification theory. IIRC, that is what happened to Derrick Logue from Once Fallen.

well I know what the cops do when an rso is in danger of there life . they wait tell we are dead , do a little asking around , if someone points out the guy that kills the rso , they go get the guy and lock him up , but they just wait for a body to happen , and if things keep going the way they are the state will hand out awards to thugs , rather than helping us get off this witch hunters list , go back to where to only the cops knowing where we live , and be able to get off that after so many years , its long over do , I have to say this I am sick to death of cheating soccer moms , and under age hooker chasing dads looking down dang nose’s at me , sorry I just had to get that out , I feel better now ! I wish no harm on anyone , so I will leave with this love every breath of life you have , one more thing , Watch Out For Hammers !!! baseball bats ! and Fools !!!